First Reformed

“First Reformed” delves into the tumultuous journey of a small-town pastor, whose already wavering faith is further tested by a harrowing meeting with an environmental activist and his expectant wife. Set against the backdrop of a quaint church in upstate New York, the film weaves a complex narrative exploring the depths of despair, conviction, and redemption. As the pastor’s life becomes increasingly intertwined with the activist’s dire warnings and the existential threats facing humanity, he finds himself on a path that could lead to his undoing or his salvation.

Paul Schrader masterfully returns to his recurring motifs of faith, torment, and redemption, crafting a narrative that resonates with the intensity and existential angst of “Taxi Driver,” yet through the lens of a deeply conflicted pastor. The film brilliantly captures a “you talking to me” moment of introspection, reminiscent of Scorsese’s classic, but recontextualized within a spiritual and environmental crisis. Ethan Hawke delivers a powerhouse performance, embodying the pastor’s internal struggle with a grace and intensity that anchors the film’s thematic ambitions. “First Reformed” stands as a poignant and thought-provoking exploration of spirituality and morality in the modern world, leaving a lasting impression long after the credits roll.

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