Hotel Artemis

In the not-too-distant future, the once glamorous Hotel Artemis stands as a fortress amidst chaos. On June 21, 2028, as Los Angeles is engulfed in riots, this dilapidated structure harbors a secret: a high-security, exclusive hospital for the underworld’s elite. Operated by the enigmatic Nurse, the Artemis becomes a sanctuary for the criminal class, offering medical care with strict rules of conduct. But over the course of one perilous night, the Nurse faces a series of unprecedented challenges that test the limits of her resourcefulness and loyalty. Thieves, assassins, and figures from her dark past converge, alongside the powerful owner of the hotel—and by extension, the city itself—pushing the boundaries of the Artemis’s neutrality.

Jodie Foster shines as the heart of “Hotel Artemis,” portraying the Nurse with a compelling blend of grit and compassion. This film stands out for its originality, blending dark humor with a distinct noir aesthetic to create a captivating vision of a dystopian Los Angeles. The concept of a private hospital for criminals, operating under a veneer of exclusivity and secrecy, serves as a fresh narrative device, driving the story with its unique blend of tension, intrigue, and dark comedy. Foster’s performance anchors the ensemble cast, bringing depth and humanity to a world teetering on the edge of collapse. “Hotel Artemis” is not just a movie; it’s a stylish, futuristic tableau that entertains and engages with its clever premise and visually striking execution.

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